Friday Night Lights The lights at the Coyle Bluejacket Football and Baseball Fields were turned on at 8:20 PM (military time 2020) on April 17, 2020 for The Class of 2020 for 20 minutes as part of the "Be the Light" campaign during this Coronavirus pandemic. The lights are to honor the Class of 2020 and their families during this trying time.
over 4 years ago, Wray Larman
Seniors 2020
Importance of the US Census--If you have not done yours already, there is a major reason to do it. The welfare of our school district. From federal monies to state monies, we are dependent on these funds. Every single person in our school district counts when they tally our population. Please take the time today to complete the US Census for our students. Now more than ever, we need to make sure we are all counted. We are engaged in a new learning distance program that will change the way education looks in the future. We need the funds to make sure we continue to be competitive with the schools around us. It will take at the most 10-15 minutes of your time. Thank you on behalf of the students in our district for taking the time to complete your US Census.
over 4 years ago, CompTech
The Coyle High School FCA would like to remind everyone that the “Blessings Box” is still available and is full of food, if anyone needs any items. The box is located in front of the Coyle Elementary building. People are also welcome to donate to the box, if you see it needing some items.
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
Blessings Box
Parents please follow these instructions when picking up packets on Monday. Elementary student packets (pre-K - 7th grade). Drive down the street (E. Crawford St.) going east between HS Building and Elem. Building. The pick up location will be at the cafeteria building Monday from 11 a.m. to noon each week. Please stay in your vehicles and and a Coyle School representative will come to your vehicle window. HS students packets can be picked up at the HS front doors. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Mrs. Ritter and Mr. Weathers
almost 5 years ago, CompTech
Please see the attached Distance Learning Plan for Coyle Public Schools.
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
Distance Learning Plan Page 1
Distance Leaving Plan Page 2
Distance Learning Plan Page 3
Distance Learning Plan Page 4
Coyle School has a plan in place regarding continuing the important task of providing education to students for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Each teacher will contact their students in their class and outline their plan for online learning. If for some reason you do not hear from the teacher by Friday, April 3, please let us know by contacting me at 405-740-4922 or Our teachers are working hard through innovative ways to present the classroom material. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work out challenges that may arise. If you DO NOT have access to internet service, assignments for students can be picked up at the school each week on Mondays (11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon). This will also be the time to drop off any completed work. School personnel will meet you at the front door of the High School during the time listed above. If you have any questions, you may call or email your teacher. The teachers’ emails are on the Coyle School website— Staff in the Menu. Parents and students are welcome to call Mr. Weathers if you have any questions. Coyle School is still planning on the usual graduation date of May 12, 2020. If the State Department extends the request for no school activities and we cannot have an indoor graduation, we do have another plan for graduation of the 2020 Coyle School Seniors. All sport events and extracurricular activities are cancelled through the end of the school year. Please continue staying safe and healthy. We look forward to seeing everyone again and returning to our regular school environment in the future. Take care, and we appreciate you and your students having Bluejacket Pride. “GO BLUEJACKETS” Mr. Shane Weathers, Coyle High School 405-740-4922
almost 5 years ago, CompTech
For parents of students in grades 8-12, I emailed each student’s school email informing them of the upcoming distance learning to start next Monday. If your child has not accessed his/her email, please have them do so as other teachers are also trying to contact them. #bluejacketpride
almost 5 years ago, Wray Larman
PreK Enrollment is now available at
almost 5 years ago, Charity Long
Please see the following flyer about an updated Pre-K enrollment date.
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
PreK enrollment
The Coyle Public Schools Administration met this morning to discuss our district’s plan for distance learning from April 6th through May 8th. Principals will be contacting teachers starting today. Teachers will then be contacting parents and students next week with the individual plan for their class. Please be patient as there are several questions still to be answered. Also, please understand that distance learning does not necessarily mean using technology. Each teacher will adjust per student resource availability. This distance learning model is uncharted waters for everyone right now. Teachers will not be stressing pass or fail grades during this time. This plan is strictly to continue the opportunity to learn through the next five weeks. As of right now, we plan to still have a regular graduation ceremony for seniors on the originally scheduled date of May 12th, unless we are forced to postpone to a later date. We are also looking at possible later dates for prom. Again, please be patient as our teachers contact you with their class plan. This distance learning plan will not start until April 6th. There will be no instruction until April 6th. Josh Sumrall Superintendent Coyle Public Schools
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
Coyle Public Schools and our partnership with Keystone Food Service will be continuing to provide meals during the school closure throughout May 8th. There will be a change, however, in the days we will be distributing the meals starting Monday, March 30th. We would like to get some hot meals to the students. In order to do this, we feel a twice a week pick up would make this possible. Meals will be available for pickup on Monday’s and Wednesday’s at the same locations and times as they are currently. The three pickup locations are: - Coyle - The Coyle Schools Cafeteria - Langston - The bus stop at the park pavilion near the softball field and Fire Station. - Meridian- The Meridian Fire Department The times for pickup will be Monday’s and Wednesday’s, March 30th-May 8th, 11:00am-12:00pm. Students must be present in order to receive the meals. There will be a hot lunch on Monday, cold lunch for Tuesday and breakfast for Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday pick up would include hot lunch, cold lunch for Thursday and Friday and breakfast for Thursday, Friday and Monday. We hope that this will reduce person to person contact and keep the students and our employees safe in this unprecedented time. The menus are attached.
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
The Oklahoma State Department of Education and the Oklahoma State School Board of Education voted this morning, March 25th, to close school buildings through the end of the 2019-2020 academic school year. They are recommending that schools develop some kind of distance learning starting April 6th through at least May 8th. Please be advised that Coyle Public Schools’ administrators will be meeting this week to discuss how we will provide the distance learning for our students. This distance learning will be different in each school district throughout the state and we will take into consideration our district’s student and family situations and obstacles. There are, and will be, many questions about this plan and situation. There may not be an answer right now, but please be assured that we will address all concerns as they come up. Coyle Public Schools’ Administration will try to have our distance learning plan out sometime next week. Please also be aware that, if at all possible, I plan to still have at least a graduation ceremony for our seniors, if not a few other end of the year ceremonies, at some point. The dates of those ceremonies have not been set yet, however, I hope to receive more information soon that would allow those dates to be scheduled. Josh Sumrall Superintendent Coyle Public Schools
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
Coyle Public Schools will be partnering with Keystone Food Service to provide meals to students during the mandated school closure. The meals will be provided Monday, March 23rd through April 2nd, Monday-Thursday. There will be three pickup locations. - Coyle - The Coyle Schools Cafeteria - Langston - The bus stop at the park pavilion near the softball field and Fire Station. - Meridian- The Meridian Fire Department The times for pickup are Monday-Thursday, 11:00am-12:00pm. Students 18 years old and younger will be provided a grab and go sack lunch for that day and breakfast for the next morning. Students must be present in order to receive a meal. People will be required to stay in your vehicle as you pickup the meals. There will be a drive thru setting at each location. Please be patient through this process as we will adjust to any issues that occur. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
Sack lunch
Coyle Concurrent College Students--I emailed all of you the new online requirements from Redlands to your school email addresses. Please read and follow the directions in the email to continue your college classes. Contact Mrs. Larman at (405)612-0467 if you have any questions.
almost 5 years ago, CompTech
Parents if you should receive a notice that your child is absent or tardy please contact Mrs. Larman. We have asked our website company to disable these calls until further notice. This is to start immediately. We apologize for any calls that may have gone out over Spring Break.
almost 5 years ago, CompTech
Coyle Community, If there is a threat of a tornado and shelter is needed tonight or any other time, the Coyle School Tornado Shelter at the New Gymnasium will be open. It is my opinion that the safety from a tornado would override the mandate of facility closures. Josh Sumrall Superintendent Coyle Public Schools
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
Coyle Public Schools, through our partnership with Keystone Food Service, will be providing a “grab and go” sack lunch to students in our school district, during the state mandated school closure, starting March 23rd. We are currently discussing details and will announce the location and times of availability later this week.
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
Lunch Picture
The Oklahoma State Department of Education and the State Board of Education had a special meeting today at 4:00pm where they voted to mandate all Oklahoma Public Schools to close and cease all operations until April 6th. Per this mandate, Coyle Public Schools will be closed and all operations, including extracurricular activities and building and facility usages, will cease until April 6th. I will be meeting with our food service management company on developing a plan, if feasible, to offer meals to district students during the school closure. That information will be given at a later time. Josh Sumrall Superintendent Coyle Public Schools
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
I just had a conference call with State Superintendent, Joy Hofmeister and other School District Superintendents concerning the Coronavirus COVID-19. The Oklahoma State Department of Education is not mandating, at this time, that schools close. They are leaving that to a local district decision, for now. However, if a school district decides to close the State Department will wave absenteeism, number of days required to attend, and student testing requirements for this school year. At this time, Coyle Schools will wait and see how some of this plays out over the next several days. We are out for Spring Break next week, so we can wait and make a decision about the future until next week sometime. We will continue to monitor this situation and will make decisions accordingly. President Trump is declaring a national emergency at this moment, so we may have more information soon. I’ll keep you updated as things change. Josh Sumrall Superintendent Coyle Public Schools
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall
Due to the weather, the Coyle JH & HS baseball games scheduled at Covington-Douglas, today, March 13th, have been cancelled. The HS baseball game scheduled for Monday, March 16th, has also been cancelled. Enjoy your Spring Break!
almost 5 years ago, Josh Sumrall